P " Dalam borang ni tick ada anak bawah umur setahun yer"
ME " Ya saya "
P " Tengah menyusu lagi ke?"
ME " A'ah"
P " Selalu ke sekali sekala"
ME " Selalu ..kenapa encik?"
P " Oooo..Tak boleh ye" sambil melipat borang derma darah den dan di simpan ditepi meja..
Me " Uikksss"...*frust*Daripada 4 orang geng yang pergi, cuma sorang je yang lepas..isk!isk!. Kitorang pun tunggu Mr.Geo selesai amik darah, gerun juga tengok jarum yang besar amat cucuk kat lengan dia *mata berpinar*macam nak pengsan*.
Sebenarnya belle tak sure kenapa BF mother takleh donate blood.So, here's some info that i had "googled" and taken from LLL.
According to La Leche League,
Whether to donate blood is a decision that is best left up to the individual. Opinions vary as to whether it is a good idea. The American Red Cross says this about potential donors, in their Blood Donation Eligibility Guidelines:Baru le den paham, sebab hydrated. Susu ibu mengandungi 87% air dan para ibu yang nak derma darah juga perlu minum air yang banyak sangat untuk menggantikan darah yang hilang. Tapi Pusat Darah Negara amik langkah berhati-hati.. so for mommies yang BF , tunggu abis tempoh BF kita donate k..^_^La Leche League’s sources differ in their opinions on blood donation for breastfeeding mothers. Dr. Gregory White does not recommend it. Dr. Jack Newman says any otherwise eligible mother who is not anemic can donate blood. The Canadian Blood Service does not allow breastfeeding mothers to donate blood in the first six months postpartum. LLL recommends that mothers consult their own physicians and make an informed choice.
- defer while pregnant
- defer 6 weeks after giving birth
- defer 12 months if delivery required a blood transfusion
- accept nursing mothers
If a breastfeeding mother chooses to donate blood, she needs to be very careful to stay hydrated. Human milk is 87% water, and a blood donation takes 16 ounces of blood from the body. This is a lot of liquid to replace. All blood donors are cautioned to eat a substantial meal before donating blood and drink large quantities of water afterward. After a donation, donors are advised to avoid heavy lifting with the arm used to donate (to prevent excessive bruising). This may be a consideration for mothers who may not be able to avoid lifting and carrying their babies or older children.
Ngomel: Gerun tengok darah sebenarnya, tapi nak donate juga. Tunggu elmeera besar sikitlah ni. Boleh la mama laksanakan tanggungjawab ni kan sayang.
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